=====KEGG网页图不显示基因上下调===== 原因:通路中gene名字与注释文件(kegg.xls)gene名字不匹配 报错代码 Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : Timeout was reached: [rest.kegg.jp] Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received Info: Getting gene ID data from KEGG... Info: Done with data retrieval! Warning: None of the genes or compounds mapped to the pathway! Argument gene.idtype or cpd.idtype may be wrong. 解决办法 1.重新下载通路图,下载代码如下 /TJPROJ6/RNA_SH/script_dir/KEGG/get_kegg_html.py --get all --type net --abbr aly(物种三字母缩写) --out 下载路径/aly 2.将富集流程中 --keggdir 参数填写为 下载路径/aly ,--keggdb 参数填写为 下载路径 ,重新跑出通路图的代码即可。