

lncRNA (gene_level/*/mRNA/KEGG)


python /TJPROJ6/RNA_SH/personal_dir/wangshuai/script/go_kegg_biaogechuli/kegg.py -h

usage: kegg.py [-h] -O OUTFILE -A F1 -B F2 (-A KEGG的四列注释文件 -B KEGG 富集结果)

This program is used to match id hence add a file's anno to another file!

optional arguments:

  1. h, –help show this help message and exit
  2. O OUTFILE, –outfile OUTFILE

The outfile path.

  1. A F1, –f1 F1 The path of file need info.
  2. B F2, –f2 F2 The path of file offer info.