目前有很多方法可以去做这样的分析,但是每种方法都有优点和缺点。例如,Lomb-Scargle 和 JTK_CYCLE 可以区分具有高噪声或低采样率的的周期性基因;Fisher’s G Test 和 ARSER,需要有完整的,均匀采样的时间序列数据。
2D时间序列数据集:1、很常见的时间序列数据集,2数据集是二维矩阵。行是基因,列是样本 3D时间序列数据集:3D数据主要是用在医学和临床上的,因为实验室研究,都是控制变量,遗传背景简单,处理因素统一。但是人就完全不一样了,人的变异是非常大的。因此需要考虑个体之间的差异,这时候就需要额外的实验设计信息。除了一个矩阵存储来自所有样品的检测到的分子的实验值之外,需要另一个矩阵来存储每个样品的个体信息。
CycID JTK_pvalue JTK_BH.Q JTK_period JTK_adjphase JTK_amplitude meta2d_Base meta2d_AMP meta2d_rAMP
gene:pycom04g15340 0.0637445887445887 0.201682830093123 20 10 879.871955218145 5931.28880438903 1971.05843117507 0.332315369589915
gene:pycom12g17540 0.552445887445887 0.94039794575596 20 5 410.413331214158 5189.24057758241 646.167239170505 0.124520578591395
gene:pycom05g11090 1 1 20 5 77.9226908670302 4136.81178060999 105.656181704108 0.025540485597952
gene:pycom04g11710 0.552445887445887 0.94039794575596 20 5 622.305682423581 4011.10645952353 45.5116076132619 0.0113463973276511
[,1] CycID character transcript name [,2] ARS_pvalue numeric pvalue from ARS [,3] ARS_BH.Q numeric FDR from ARS [,4] ARS_period numeric period from ARS [,5] ARS_adjphase numeric adjusted phase from ARS [,6] ARS_amplitude numeric amplitude from ARS [,7] JTK_pvalue numeric pvalue from JTK [,8] JTK_BH.Q numeric FDR from JTK [,9] JTK_period numeric period from JTK [,10] JTK_adjphase numeric adjusted phase from JTK [,11] JTK_amplitude numeric amplitude from JTK [,12] LS_pvalue numeric pvalue from LS [,13] LS_BH.Q numeric FDR from JTK [,14] LS_period numeric period from LS [,15] LS_adjphase numeric adjusted phase from LS [,16] LS_amplitude numeric amplitude from LS [,17] meta2d_pvalue numeric integrated pvalue [,18] meta2d_BH.Q numeric FDR based on integrated pvalue [,19] meta2d_period numeric averaged period of three methods [,20] meta2d_phase numeric integrated phase [,21] meta2d_Base numeric baseline value given by meta2d [,22] meta2d_AMP numeric amplitude given by meta2d [,23] meta2d_rAMP numeric relative amplitude [,24:71] CT18 to CT65 numeric sampling time point
周期性识别算法有COSOPOT,Fisher's G-test,JTK_CYCLE,ARSER,LSPR等 http://www.docin.com/p-1811805902.html
文献:JTK_CYCLE, designed to efficiently identify and characterize cycling variables in large data sets. Compared with COSOPT and the Fisher’s G test, two commonly used methods for detecting cycling transcripts
#!usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import os import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="mRNA,protein ass ") parser.add_argument('--project',help='the name of project',required=True) parser.add_argument('--anno',help='the file of anno',required=True) parser.add_argument('--fpkm',help='the file of fpkm',required=True) parser.add_argument('--tt',help='the number of time',default=None) parser.add_argument('--rp',help='the number of repeat',default=None) parser.add_argument('--inter',help='the number of time_inter',default=None) parser.add_argument('--type',help='yes or no',default="yes") argv = vars(parser.parse_args()) project=argv['project'].strip() anno=argv['anno'].strip() fpkm=argv['fpkm'].strip() type=argv["type"].strip() if argv['tt']: tt=argv["tt"].strip() if argv['rp']: rp=argv["rp"].strip() if argv['inter']: inter=argv["inter"].strip() f=open("jtk.sh","w") if type=="yes": f.write("Rscript /BJPROJ/RNA/shouhou/script_dir/others/jtk/Run_JTK_CYCLE_1.R --project %s --anno %s --fpkm %s --tt %s --rp %s --inter %s " % (project,anno,fpkm,tt,rp,inter)) else: f.write("Rscript /BJPROJ/RNA/shouhou/script_dir/others/jtk/Run_JTK_CYCLE_2.R --project %s --anno %s --fpkm %s " % (project,anno,fpkm)) f.close() os.system("qsub -V -cwd -l vf=1g,p=1 jtk.sh")
source("/BJPROJ/RNA/shouhou/script_dir/others/jtk/JTK_CYCLEv3.1.R") suppressMessages({ library(argparser)}) argv <- arg_parser('') argv <- add_argument(argv,"--project", help="the name of project ") argv <- add_argument(argv,"--anno", help="the file of anno") argv <- add_argument(argv,"--fpkm", help="the file of fpkm") argv <- add_argument(argv,"--tt", help="the number of time") argv <- add_argument(argv,"--rp", help="the number of repeat") argv <- add_argument(argv,"--inter", help="the number of time_inter") argv <- parse_args(argv) project <- argv$project anno <-argv$anno fpkm<-argv$fpkm tt<-argv$tt tt<-as.numeric(tt) rp<-argv$rp rp<-as.numeric(rp) inter<-argv$inter inter<-as.numeric(inter) project <- project options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE) annot <- read.delim(anno) data <- read.delim(fpkm) rownames(data) <- data[,1] data <- data[,-1] jtkdist(tt,rp) # 13 total time points, 2 replicates per time point time1=ceiling(20/inter) time2=ceiling(28/inter) periods <- time1:time2 # looking for rhythms between 20-28 hours (i.e. between 5 and 7 time points per cycle). jtk.init(periods,inter) # 4 is the number of hours between time points cat("JTK analysis started on",date(),"\n") flush.console() st <- system.time({ res <- apply(data,1,function(z) { jtkx(z) c(JTK.ADJP,JTK.PERIOD,JTK.LAG,JTK.AMP) }) res <- as.data.frame(t(res)) bhq <- p.adjust(unlist(res[,1]),"BH") res <- cbind(bhq,res) colnames(res) <- c("BH.Q","ADJ.P","PER","LAG","AMP") results <- cbind(annot,res,data) results <- results[order(res$ADJ.P,-res$AMP),] }) print(st) save(results,file=paste("JTK",project,"rda",sep=".")) write.table(results,file=paste("JTK",project,"txt",sep="."),row.names=F,col.names=T,quote=F,sep="\t")
source("/BJPROJ/RNA/shouhou/script_dir/others/jtk/JTK_CYCLEv3.1.R") suppressMessages({ library(argparser)}) argv <- arg_parser('') argv <- add_argument(argv,"--project", help="the name of project ") argv <- add_argument(argv,"--anno", help="the file of anno") argv <- add_argument(argv,"--fpkm", help="the file of fpkm") argv <- parse_args(argv) project <- argv$project anno <-argv$anno fpkm<-argv$fpkm project <- project options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE) annot <- read.delim(anno) data <- read.delim(fpkm) rownames(data) <- data[,1] data <- data[,-1] jtkdist(ncol(data)) periods <- 4:40 jtk.init(periods,1) cat("JTK analysis started on",date(),"\n") flush.console() st <- system.time({ res <- apply(data,1,function(z) { jtkx(z) c(JTK.ADJP,JTK.PERIOD,JTK.LAG,JTK.AMP) }) res <- as.data.frame(t(res)) bhq <- p.adjust(unlist(res[,1]),"BH") res <- cbind(bhq,res) colnames(res) <- c("BH.Q","ADJ.P","PER","LAG","AMP") results <- cbind(annot,res,data) results <- results[order(res$ADJ.P,-res$AMP),] }) print(st) save(results,file=paste("JTK",project,"rda",sep=".")) write.table(results,file=paste("JTK",project,"txt",sep="."),row.names=F,col.names=T,quote=F,sep="\t")
python /BJPROJ/RNA/shouhou/script_dir/others/jtk/jtk.py \ --project 项目名称 \ --anno gene_anno.txt 基因注释文件 若没有直接用基因list也可以\ --fpkm gene_fpkm.txt 基因表达量文件 \ --tt 6 时间点,采样共多少时间点 如 2,6,10,14,18,22 共6个时间点 (有生物学重复必填) \ --rp 3 组内生物学重复个数(有生物学重复必填)\ --inter 4 不同时间点间隔(有生物学重复必填)\ --type yes or no 是否为有生物学重复 \ 示例:/BJPROJ/RNA/shouhou/script_dir/others/jtk/run.sh