软件功能: 针对人的融合基因的分析的功能软件。
FusionCatcher searches for novel/known somatic fusion genes, translocations, and chimeras in RNA-seq data (paired-end reads from Illumina NGS platforms like Solexa and HiSeq) from diseased samples.
The aims of FusionCatcher are:
/TJPROJ6/RNA_SH/software/fusioncatcher/fusioncatcher-master/bin/fusioncatcher -i work_dir -o out_dir
The output files:
1. final-list_candidate_fusion_genes.txt ######
final list with the newly found candidates fusion genes (it contains the fusion genes with their junction sequence and points); Starting with version 0.99.3c the coordinates of fusion genes are given here for human genome using only assembly hg38/GRCh38
2. #######
explains in detail the labels found in column Fusion_description of files final-list_candidate_fusion_genes.txt
3. #######
sequences of short reads supporting the newly found candidate fusion genes found using only and exclusively the Bowtie aligner;
4. #######
sequences of short reads supporting the newly found candidate fusion genes found using Bowtie and Blat aligners;
5. #######
sequences of short reads supporting the newly found candidate fusion genes found using Bowtie and STAR aligners;
6. #######
sequences of short reads supporting the newly found candidate fusion genes found using Bowtie and Bowtie2 aligners;
7. viruses_bacteria_phages.txt #######
(non-zero) reads counts for each virus/bacteria/phage from NCBI database